Financial History • Owners • Value • Details • & more
Discover the computed market value - this is based on surrounding homes, current market, property condition and more so you can get a clear basis of the home's value.
Forecasted values use a proprietary system which predicts what the home will be worth within the next year's time shown on an intuitive chart.
Mortgages: Get a list of all available mortgage records which can contain dates, amount, lenders, term length, loan type and more.
Taxes: Tax records broken down into land, improvements, total assessment, and tax amounts for each year.
Sales History: A list of all sales associated with each home with dates, sale amount, names, transaction #ID's and more.
In this section of your report, you'll see all available records of who has owned the property. These can be corporate or individual owners.
Each record can contain names, dates, and addresses associated with each owner.
Get a complete picture of the structural details. From bedrooms, bathrooms and square footage to cencus tract and jurisdiction the property details section of each report covers it all.
Property condition ratings clearly label what sort of state the home is in; whether it needs improvements or is in great condition.
Compare two nearby homes side-by-side with our Home Comparison Tool. This tool allows you to see key differences and similarities of two properties.
Discover all these features now in your very own property report.